Thursday, August 29, 2024

Friday 2nd of August - Friday Transit Mission

My car was getting serviced so I had to choose another way to get to work. Normally by car I can get to work in 15 mins but I had a feeling it might take a lot longer today. I decided I would wing it like usual. Caught the train then the Green CAT then the Joondalup train to Glendalough and was making ok time but then I realized I had no idea where to catch the next bus. I was getting annoyed and ended up walking to Main St and catching the bus that goes up this road, by the time I got to work it had been a whole hour since I left home, not cool.

The day was ok but a bit hectic because someone was leaving (temporarily at least) so was a bit disjointed. The work day ends and I hung around until 6 just trying to get stuff done. I locked the office and headed to the bus stop on Main St which is pretty close, maybe only 100 metres away. It is dark by this stage and the bus is taking a long time to get here so I had to check the live times and these were not good. Perhaps I should’ve checked the times before I left the office but I always like winging things and taking that risk. Maybe 15 mins pass and finally the bus arrives, I jump on and get off at the Glendalough Station. I go upstairs, wait for the train and jump on. Some Eagles fans onboard and I am desperately wanting to get home to watch this WCE vs ESS match - could be close. I get off at the Leederville Station and walk over the walkway and see the Green CAT waiting to leave but I decide that I will walk to the Freo train line instead. 

I have walked this path many times before, mostly when I would walk home from Niche on Saturday nights. This takes so long as I am in work clothes and am fatigued. I regret now not catching the CAT before and by the time I get to W Leederville Station an hour has passed since I left the office. Bad move Doitcha.

I catch the train and then walk home from the Daglish Station. By the time I get home 75 mins have passed since I lift the office. It is after 7 now, I watch the footy till the end and it is a good game. It is close to 9pm now and my head is a mess, I am tired and indecisive until maybe 11pm and then decide that the gym is no longer a practical option… disappointing. I delay my workout until the following night.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sat 10/08/24 - Collier Park

So drowsy from my nap, want to keep sleeping but cannot do. Check phone and Eagles are getting belted by NM - not good. I push through and have a shower, somehow West Coast come back and win. I am short on time so now face the Uni Student’s Dilemma but with slightly different options: sleep, food & golf - you can only choose two. I go for sleep and golf, therefore I head down to Coogee feeling pretty hungry.

Arrive in Coogee to pick up my clubs, it is about 3:30 and Trav now tells me that tee off is 4:16 and not 4:24, I am feeling under the pump. I leave about 3:45 and make good time using Manning Rd route. Get to the tee off about 4:24, just in time, the people in front are slow so I’m lucky about the delay. The game starts.

We play until about 6, it is getting dark and we’ve only played 6 holes. The young guys in front of us are so slow so JC and Trav say let’s finish up. We have a drink, it’s pretty lively with people still on the driving range because of the big lights. After one drink we hit the road. I cut through South Perth and then onto the freeway, it is so lively tonight with lots of people on the road and out at restaurants. It is a good vibe.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fri 12th July - Royal & Palace Arcade

5pm on a Friday and still haven’t planned what we’re doing. Not unfamiliar for me but for Jas and Trav perhaps a little bit. I push for the Royal as opposed to Vic Park and the other parties agree. I leave work about 540 and head to the old stomping ground. Lots of nice trees in East Perth but parking is a bit tight, I get annoyed and then drive up to the graveyard and park there. I am playing Pokémon and take the long route along the Yellow CAT road between the graveyard and the river. This place is quiet and feels a little shifty, the walk takes at least 10 mins and then I am back where I was about 15 mins earlier when I was looking for somewhere to park. Very peaceful, I get lost trying to find how to get down to the East Perth Water Front but eventually find the stairs, head down there and across to the Royal. I walk in, can’t see Trav, eventually find him sitting by himself outside. Not too busy and the cross section of the crowd is very broad, from young mid 20’s/30 year olds to 60 year old men. We watch as a bandicoot causes some commotion and casually runs back to the bush by going under everyone’s feet. Very interesting. It is getting close to 640 now and JC is still walking over the river from The Camfield. Eventually he makes it.

JC is just back from Mediterranean holiday so we discuss the details. I have vodka soda with lemon lime and bitters and it is good. The DJ is playing 80’s / 90’s stuff which is ok but not my fav. We have some pizzas, I have about 1 or 2% of these, JC and Trav hit a few more drinks. JC points out several times that this is an interesting crowd and I’m like “it’s winter and pretty cold so prob not the most enticing weather”. Trav has switched between beer, vodka and now rum & coke - nothing unusual. We watched Collingwood get overpowered by Geelong, it’s a good vibe but we are aware that once the footy finishes it will get quiet. It is about 9pm now and we decide that we will go to Palace Arcade for a bit to finish the night off. I have only had two drinks so am good to drive. We head back up the hill to the graveyard.

We’re driving through Northbridge and the are police officers doing breath tests so I casually turn to the right and slowly drive away from them. I should be under the limit but don’t want to deal with them. Quite the commotion. Northbridge is a bit busier and we park just across from The Court. We walk past and head into Palace Arcade. It is not that busy and they have removed a lot of the Arcade games which they used to have back between July - October 2019, when Jas, Kiel and myself used to come here a lot. I feel sad that it is not that busy but then again it is a Friday night and not a Saturday, also I am very fatigued so it is easier to feel sad and reminiscent. It is still nice to be here though. Trav and Jas have a few more drinks and we stay here for about an hour playing Daytona and NBA. Around 10pm we leave and I drop the squad off in Kensington / Bentley and then I head up the freeway back to Jolimont. JC was def a little drunk as he had been drinking for work at The Camfield from about 4pm. The freeway drive is nice, I make it home a little bit before 11 and procrastinate until about 1230 when I finally decide that the gym is not really a viable option for tonight. Was a good night.

Saturday 06/07/24 - Stories

I walk to the train station at about 415 after taking a nap, was planning to get there by 4pm so am a little late. It’s pretty overcast and the train doesn’t pick me up for awhile. When I get to the city I’m trying to work out how to get to Yagan Square and get past all the blocked exits because I am already late but this is not easy. When I make it to The Shoe I’m trying to work out how to get to Stories but is a bit of a maze, this place has changed since I came here last. When I get up to the third storey I look for Stu, eventually I see him wearing a Christmas jumper so I say hi, by this stage it’s starting to get cold. I put on my Christmas jumper.

During the next four hours I have about four vodkas and a pizza, a few waters too - intense! It is so wet and cold but the place is buzzing! Was good to be out, these opportunities are very few and far between.

I decide to leave about 9pm, everyone is pretty loose by now and maybe half have gone home. Stu keeps drinking, I say goodbye to people and then try to make my way out but this takes again like 10 minutes as this place is a serious labyrinth. I make it out to Yagan Square and then catch the train home. Was a decent night.

Monday, July 22, 2024

01/01/24 - 4am

This blog and the next few blogs are in honour of the first 6 or 7 posts that I did all the way back in 2015. Short and sharp.

3am 01/01/24 - I thought yes, let’s play one more game of Uno so when I drive back to Jas’ it might be lighter and much safer to drive… really not keen on driving at 3am through Byford and Albany Hwy where possibly drunk drivers and kangaroos… am worried. Karis finishes first in Uno about 315. At 340 Karis is still the only one to have finished. A few minutes pass then Kristin Uno, Paige Uno, Jas Uno, Kiel Uno, Scott Uno, the ladies scream, the kids get woken up - crazy!! Next turn Kiel is out then me - only 3 left. Not too long after the marathon game is over, time to hit the road and leave GTA V and other PlayStation games behind. 

It’s like 4am, we leave Byford, it is still dark but some light appearing from behind the hills. Jas directs me west instead of east and we discover the very start of Tonkin Hwy. Keep going then head towards the city, cut through many unfamiliar suburbs but I later realise its Canning Vale, Riverton, Leach Hwy - nice. Kristin has been asleep the whole time, it is light now and finally reach JC’s place. I drop them off and head to Coogee, arrive just after 5, I go to bed.