Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Friday 20/12/24 - Murray St Mall & Aviary

130am - 135am - I get back to my unit and feel pretty cooked.

115am - I get on the train at Perth Station and I have not been enjoying the wait.

Saturday 21/12/24, 1245am - We walk down along Williams St and it is a lot quieter now but lots of dubious characters sitting along Murray St Mall. We go to Macca’s.

830pm - 1230am - The whole night we stand around the plant box talking and drinking, kind of like in June 2018 at Malt Bar in Mt Lawley where Sull, Jas & I (and briefly Rohan) just stood there drinking and watching the best part of three FIFA World Cup matches whilst Sheme etc were trying to get us to interact with everyone else but we did not budge. I have four drinks and then just drink water because I’m pretty tired, Jas keeps drinking as he is relaxed as always and not as uptight as me. Jas mentions that I should commit to three principles for 2025 that will improve my life (similar to Dean Mann’s three non-negotiables from Kala Ressies days), so we decide on the following for me: meet up for a social activity (bowling, Timezone, drinks) once every quarter (golf may or may not be included); play a couple of games of football for socialising and fitness (and purpose); look to buy a bigger place to live. I confirm that I will commit to these and I actually think this is a good idea as my life has become very questionable (just working, going to the gym, sleeping on the couch and watching tv - pretty much every single week without a break)… practical but good advice.

Jas keeps mentioning that some women keep looking at us because they might be interested. There is a brown skinned woman with a red top who Jas thinks is South American who keeps coming back near us. I don’t take any action as I can’t decide who I’m most interested in. Jas keeps spotting her throughout the night and sees many men approach her and her friend etc and he shakes his head is disapproval as he does not rate many of these guys/men.

There is a half African half Asian woman and she is very pretty, I don’t think I’ve seen this combination before.

A young blonde haired lady who Jas had pointed out earlier as one of these people who kept looking at us dances in front of us with her older friend. The older lady grabs my hand and puts it on the blonde woman’s hand for us to dance but I fumble this badly as I’m not switched on or keen to dance. I instantly regret this and Jas shakes his head and quietly says “Dutchy, Dutchy, Dutchy…”.

It is midnight now and I change to Kiel Currie mode for a bit and plan to stay out late and keep drinking, to increase my chances. Jas tricks me and buys me a few more drinks which I don’t drink and yeah I definitely owe Jas a decent amount of money for these drinks over last few years. My energy starts to fade and probably good time to leave as Jas has had a good amount to drink. We head downstairs.

8pm - We go to the bar and I get the usual vodka & soda and Jas gets a pint of Swan Draught. It is pretty busy and lively, there is a birthday or Christmas function near the stairs and the rest of the venue is really busy. We locate a big square pot plant thing for plants and go and stand around there. There are a lot of younger people but also some older people too and as Jas says “There are a few nerds around”… Jas shakes his head in disapproval.

738pm - Jas walks across Williams St as he is on the phone from me so crisis averted. He walked down from Watertown. We line up in the short Aviary line and head upstairs. First time here since March 2023.

731pm - Jas messages to check my ETA, I worry now that he has been in Aviary for half an hour and was waiting for me to msg him but I never did and have been sitting on Murray St Mall watching this Spanish musician for 30 mins now. I call Jas up.

7pm - I’m sitting on the bench next to some older women whilst I wait for Jas, it so busy and lots of Christmas decorations - probably the most lively Friday night of the year and there are people and police everywhere! I watch this Spanish man play the saxophone and sing in Spanish, he is very good.

645pm - I get to about 100 metres of the Daglish train platform and see a train pull up but I refuse to run so I let it go. When I get to the platform there’s pretty much no one there except for security and because of the new Airport line I only have to wait about 5 mins for another train to come… this new airport line has been very good for me. 

Jas messages the group to say he is just leaving now which is surprising because he is always on time and we were aiming to get there by about 7… I don’t mind though because it means I don’t have to rush. I’m on the train on the front carriage and it’s pretty peaceful because there’s no one on it, when we pull up to West Leederville station I see a guy and a woman there, about my age but slightly older. I am looking at the woman, she is decent looking, I notice though that she looks like this person who liked me on Bumble back in June and I recently went to swipe yes back on her but she had since disappeared. She was also no longer showing on my old Facebook account as a friend (we had talked on Bumble before in the past and she had added me as a friend), I had been thinking maybe I should have swiped yes on her. Anyway the train arrives in the city and I get off and start walking towards the underground walkway and the aforementioned man and woman get off the train and they are walking the same way as me and are about 5 - 10 metres in front of me. It is really lively and we walk through the underground labyrinth to the Murray St mall underground train entrance and I am getting closer and closer to them as I am walking faster, eventually we get to the escalators and we are side by side but a few metres separate us but I get onto one of the other escalators and we part ways. Walking behind this person I think that she is more attractive than I thought, so perhaps I should have said yes but I struggle when it comes to making a decision on online dating. Anyway the man she is with is tall and looks a couple of years older than me and looks like a good match for her - another dating prospect bites the dust. I make it outside onto Murray St Mall and sit down on a bench as I wait for an update from Jas.

Friday 20/12/24, 520pm - I leave work slightly earlier than normal for a Friday, to make sure that I’m not late to meet up with Jas, Trav maybe but unlikely. It is pretty hot and I make it home at around 545pm. I spend some time trying to decide what to wear because I haven’t been out much in the last few years but decide to go for a long sleeve shirt as I am fatigued and low on energy. Feel more comfortable in this shirt than a T-shirt for now. After 40 mins or so I head out on foot to the Daglish Train Station, it is still very light as tomorrow is the longest day of the year.

November Sat 23rd @ 210pm - Jas messages to go out later in the night but I am asleep. I wake up after 5pm and take awhile to message back so Aviary drinks do not go ahead.

October Sat 19th @ 8pm - I’m been to the gym, have had a shower and am about to go to the train station to meet up with Jas at Aviary but we decide to postpone at the last minute.

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