Saturday, December 30, 2023

Last Day of the Year (No More 2023)

It is the last morning of 2023 and I am sleeping on a towel on the ground like usual. Can’t believe 2023 will be over soon, December is always so busy and I never properly get time to slow down until the last couple of days.

2023 was a weird year but not necessarily a bad one. It started off with me watching Alone from Jan till April and then between May till September I played a fair bit of Zelda. Also have finally sorted out my sleep on Saturdays so I’m not lying awake at 3am wondering what I am doing with my life. 

Tonight maybe am going out to the city for a little bit or maybe am going to Byfords to Kiel’s. A stark contrast. Would like to get dressed up though.

My last workout for 2023

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