Saturday, January 7, 2023

Sat 31/12/22 - Marketgrounds (New Year’s Eve)

It is Feb now and I don’t think I’m going to get any good blog writing weather soon so will try and write this one now. 

Spoke to Jas in Nov (or thereabouts) to see if going out for NYE was something he was interested in or something that perhaps was no longer relevant for us. He mentioned he was keen to do something so I was content. 

Time passed, it was getting close to Xmas and still no word about NYE - this was slightly concerning. After Xmas we played golf on the 28th and JC confirmed that NYE was still a go and we considered that maybe somewhere like the Shoe or somewhere lesser known in the city might be good and maybe even would get Trav to come out - this seemed like a good plan, perhaps not as exciting as usual but still solid. Treaded water for the next two days, swam in the Coogee shark net every evening (pretty busy) and still no update - not good! It was about 10pm on the 29th now, I was a little anxious so decided to check FB to see if Jas had pulled a shifty and bought tickets to an event without telling me. FB indicated that he was going to Marketgrounds… I was tired and knew tickets would sell out very soon… I bought a ticket. Msgd Jas to confirm if he was going, he wasn’t but he bought two tickets ASAP.

Swam, went to the gym, watched cricket and Alone season 1 on SBS and then it was NYE - my fav week of the year was coming to the end 😕😕😕😕😕😕.

Marketgrounds, the destination that we’d been to for three New Year’s in a row and one that I was happy to go to again. For once I was on top of things and ahead of schedule. Got a lift to Bentley from parents and made it there by 6pm. JC, myself, Trav & Kristen watched tv and had pre drinks at Jas’. Trav was not going to come out, got lift from Trav & Laura to Jolimont so I could get dressed, it is late now and we pushing our luck. Get a taxi from Jolimont to Marketgrounds and arrive about 10pm, was busy and could no crazy COVID restrictions like last year. 

Went upstairs to get drinks, get served quickly as feeling confident. Go downstairs and sit outside to drink. The next hour we just drink outside and talk - I can’t believe 2022 is almost over. I feel good though and think about msging Vesper or KC etc as they not here this year. 

It’s getting close to midnight and we keep drinking, eventually go to the dance floor as it’s getting close. The countdown comes and it’s always f*cking weird, knowing one year is about to end (something you don’t really think about until you get to December). The excitement builds and thank god it ticks over to 00:00 - can finally relax! Fireworks are going off and people are getting loose. Dance floor is pretty hectic. We have a few more drinks and I know it’s time for me to leave as I’m third wheeling hard. We all leave about 1 and I head hard to the train station, make the train in time and make it to Jolimont quick.

I get changed and put on running clothes with a backpack, head back to the train station and make it onto a busy train with lots of people, I’m thankful that I make train in time but i remember that trains go every 15 mins on New Year’s, this time I’m not on one of the last trains like 2015/16 when I was pretty drunk. After about 20 mins we in Freo.

I start walking at 2:22 and not in the mood to run. South Beach so shifty, there a rave going on but I make it past ok. Walking is taking so long and headache is going so I start running. Near the power plant I get close to a shadowy figure, he is drunk and gets scared by me so I apologise. Once I get around the corner I start running again. I’m starting to feel real good. I make it home 3:22. 2022 is over, I fall asleep.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

2022 - The Year That Was

Another blog that’s like three months late 😓. I will post this one quickly so I can move on with life. 

2022 - like many things I could write a lot about this but will try and keep this one brief.

- Started the year as usual at Marketgrounds during COVID restrictions
- Leaving West Perth at the start of Jan and crying because have been there for eight years.
- Working in the city
- Trying to find food places every lunchtime in Allendale Square, Trinity Arcade, Forrest Chase
- Playing golf
- Going to the gym like always
- Waiting for the bus out the front of the hospital that I was born in
- Meatloaf passed away

- Going to the gym
- Exploring the city during lunch breaks
- Finally getting internet @ my unit
- Going to West Perth yoga from the city on Wednesdays
- Maybe getting on tv at Subiaco Woolworths
- Starting to appreciate Feb again and hot weather at night.

- Nights getting darker earlier
- Playing golf 
- Still running at Jacob’s Ladder on Tuesdays
- Still going to bed at stupid times on Friday nights
- WA winning Sheffield Shield and One Dayer’s
- Still having to wear masks for COVID

- Getting dark when waiting for the bus on St George’s Terrace every night
- Going to Subi & Floreat gyms
- Playing Metroid
- Watching movies
- Walking through Allendale Square, Trinity Arcade on Fridays after work when it is completely empty and closing up. Going to Woolworths in the city on Fridays and during the week after work.

- Getting COVID
- Doing missions to make it to the Perth train station late at night after work through shifty parts of the city. Most of the arcades practically empty or closed - always pushing time hard.

- Similar to May
- Getting so cold
- Going to exclusive seats at the footy. Drinking at Camfield after this which was like the first time out drinking since New Year’s Eve 😳 - crazy
- Not many people at gym on Friday nights 

- Watching tv
- Sleeping on the floor
- Finishing Metroid

- Working in Osborne Park
- Doing new route through Kings Park on Tuesdays. Going through the bush when dark.
- Usual

- Eagles not making the finals
- Drinking on a Wednesday night until 11pm at Mayfair after work. The day before Queen’s Funeral public holiday.
- Weather starting to get slightly warmer.
- Going to Floreat gym at midnight every Saturday night and then driving down to Coogee.
- Seeing the same cleaner at Floreat gym every Saturday night.
- Going to Cougars GF @ Basso

- Starting to get warmer.
- Kings Park starting to get busier on Tuesday nights 
- Classic October party vibe due to Oktoberfest / Halloween and no more footy.
- Going out to city / Marketgrounds for first legit Saturday night out since NYE - crazy! Good though.
- This Saturday night being really cold even though it was late October.
- Catching the train for first time in awhile.
- Going to Watertown Friday nights before late night gym missions.
- Cricket World Cup

- The 🐐 aka FIFA World Cup
- Doing walk missions in West Perth on Saturday nights.
- The World Cup - so good!!!!
- Msging Kiel on Friday night World Cup until like 230
- Survivor 

Although October is my go to for best month of the year, December is definitely goat level and the most special. Definitely the best month for blogs and reflecting on the year. Always start these blogs between the best week of the year during Christmas to NYE.

- Going to test match, going to Scorchers and Camfield on Saturday night with good seats too.
- Going swimming in the shark net most nights in Coogee during Christmas.
- Doing big walk through Lights Trail in the city on a Friday night. Was good.
- The countdown to New Year’s Eve

- Starting this blog just before New Year’s Eve and not finishing until March 😂😂😂