Have not seen LS since the March long weekend at the very start of March. I’ve gone out four Saturday nights during this period: two to Tigerlil’s / city and two times to Bill’s / Niche in Leederville. They have been fairly good nights, all have been with JC & KC and one with LV as well. The most recent time that we ventured to Tigerlil’s it was pretty quiet at only probably 50 - 60% capacity. Niche has been good and I’ve even hung around until closing (3am) with JC, and then walked home as the last train leaves Perth Station @ 215am. The subsequent sleeps after these nights have been pretty lame though, only 4 - 5 hrs each. Not good!
As well as pondering my employment future, I have also been thinking about holidays a lot. I have a lot of leave saved up and I’m thinking that going away on a holiday will probably help to clear my mind and wake me up in general! The year is almost 50% complete and the decade is almost over and I want to enjoy as much as I can of it. I might even book a holiday next week.
Other points of interest:
- Have been doing yoga for over three months now.
- Have been playing a lot of Pokémon on these Saturday night missions.
- Went to the gym last Saturday night after 11pm and there was basically no one there.
- Thinking about running home from a night out at some point during this year but I won’t force it.